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Rentenbank creates new ‘Forestry’ promotional line

17 May 2019

Frankfurt. Rentenbank is concentrating its activities on promoting forestry by creating a new promotional line. Forest management is facing huge challenges particularly when set against the background of climate change. Increasing weather extremes are causing ever greater damage.

Forstwirtschaft | © Manfred Ruckszio / fotolia

‘Through our new ‘Forestry’ promotional line, we are expanding the existing promotional offering from the federal government and states and supporting initiatives to make our forests more resilient and better suited to their location,’ said Horst Reinhardt, Chairman of Rentenbank’s Management Board.

The promotional loans are targeted at forest owners, forestry commissions and forestry cooperatives as well as leaseholders of forest areas, regardless of the legal format selected.

Federal Minister for Forestry, Julia Klöckner, welcomes Rentenbank’s commitment: ‘Our forests have endured a great deal of damage due to the storms and the sustained period of drought last year as well as attacks by bark beetles. It is imperative that forest owners and foresters are supported in the task of making the forest eco system more resilient to climate change. We all stand to benefit from healthy forests protecting the climate, maintaining biodiversity and providing everyone with a place to go and relax. The federal government along with the federal states have launched new measures to bolster the new promotional line.’

Spending on afforestation, restructuring of forests to make them more suited to the climate or the specific area, machinery for collective use or storage depots for timber, for instance are funded at our best rates. We also provide financing for the costs arising from storage and reforestation after extreme weather or other loss events.

As is the case with all promotional loans provided by Germany’s development agency for agriculture and rural areas, applications for loans must be submitted through local banks. They grade applicants into Rentenbank’s price categories subject to credit rating and recoverability of collateral.

Customer service number for loan enquiries: 0049 69 2107-700


Background information:

Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank is Germany’s development agency for agribusiness and rural areas. Under its statutory promotional mandate, Rentenbank provides loans at favorable interest rates for agriculture-related investments via other banks on a competitively neutral basis. Rentenbank provides funding for banks, savings banks, and local authorities with regard to rural areas. The appropriation of profits is also subject to the promotional mandate. The bank is a public law institution whose capital stock was formed by contributions paid by the German agricultural and forestry sectors. The bank is one of the few triple-A rated institutions in Germany and raises funds primarily in the international capital markets.