Navigation and service of the Landwirtschaftlichen Rentenbank

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gutes säen.

good sowing.

gutes säen.

good sowing.

Germany's development agency for agribusiness and rural areas


Promotional Activities

We provide funding to banks involved in financing agriculture, its upstream and downstream sectors and rural areas.

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Bilanzpressekonferenz 2024

23 April 2024

Rentenbank in 2023: Very good operating result, challenging year for promotional activity

2023-12-15 PR_Rentenbank plans funding volume of up to EUR 11 billion in 2024

30 January 2024

Rentenbank in 2023: Lower volume of new loans granted, substantially higher operating result

2023-12-15 PR_Rentenbank plans funding volume of up to EUR 11 billion in 2024

15 December 2023

Rentenbank plans funding volume of up to EUR 11 billion in 2024

press releases