Navigation and service of the Landwirtschaftlichen Rentenbank

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You can get in touch with our team to request the information you need:

You can choose to contact us by email, contact form, telephone or fax to get the information you need.

In addition, you will find our list of authorized signatures, our complaints handling process and a city map.

Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank
Theodor-Heuss-Allee 80 / D-60486 Frankfurt am Main
PO Box 10 14 45 / D-60014 Frankfurt am Main

More Information



+49 69-2107-0

Fax: +49 69-2107-6444

List of authorized signatures

Rentenbank's current list of authorized signatures (PDF) is available for our business partners.

To receive the required password, please send an e-mail to our switchboard with your e-mail address and if possible, your customer number too.

We reserve the right to refuse your request due to confidentiality and if we see there is no legitimate interest.