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Rentenbank parts company with Dr. Marcus Dahmen

8 February 2010

The advisory board of Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank has released Dr. Marcus Dahmen (44) from his duties as spokesman for the board of managing directors, a position he had held since October 2007. Gerd Sonnleitner, chairman of Rentenbank's advisory board, commented, "We regret that incompatible approaches to the future strategy of the promotional bank make it impossible for us to continue working with Dr. Dahmen. We wish him all the best for the future".

Until further notice, Dr. Dahmen's duties will be carried out by Hans Bernhardt (52) and Dr. Horst Reinhardt (55), members of the board of managing directors. In addition to his responsibilities for finance and IT, Mr. Bernhardt will take over promotional lending and human resources while Dr. Reinhardt, who is head of treasury and legal affairs, will assume responsibility for public relations.